Coding Tinkering

Writing my own x86_64 Operating System

tl;dr Repo: https://github.com/jbreu/jos

During mid of last year I dug myself into the OS development rabbit hole on Youtube and in my fall vacation I had some slack allowing me to hands-on hack together my own Operating System called JOS (Jakob’s OS). This was the starting point of a pretty exciting journey. Till today, there is no particular purpose or goal other than learning more about low level basics. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this exercise so much that I can even grant it some therapeutic effect during very stressful business life 🙂 Of course, as a family father and engineering manager, there is not much time and I often found myself pondering in my mind while doing chores how to solve the next stack corruption puzzle, instead of actually coding/debugging. In this article, I will tell you a bit about my key learnings/technologies this exposed me to.

The starting point was a brief video series by David Callanan on how to write a bootloader for an OS till printing a Hello World to a console. I started to fork his repo and worked my way from there. First thing was to rewrite the whole OS code (besides the bootloader) in Rust, as this was another thing I wanted to learn. It took me a while to get used to Rust, but eventually came to a working Hello World. The next steps were minor adaptions to the console printing ecosystem. The first real big step digging into the intrinsics of x86_64 CPU instruction set was the implementation of interrupts. This took a great amount of debugging, trial and erroring and reading of many specifications and internet resources. From the latter, I want to highlight the AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 2, and Philipp Oppermann’s Writing an OS in Rust. The latter is really good for the first steps with one caveat: It is based in big parts on the author’s library, which abstracts all x86_64 basics away and is in many parts more a tutorial to use the library. I didnt want to use this library because my impression was that it masked too much of the interesting stuff how things actually work on the low level. Hence, I implement everything on my own terms. After adopting keyboard and time interrupts I used the latter to display the clock time on the console in the top right corner.

A huge help was that I could use the qemu emulator and the gdb debugger in combination (via VS Code’s extension native-debug). It was the first time using qemu and gdb as a developer and after getting beyond the initial learning curve I genuinely enjoyed debugging with it. As additional tools I also used Ghidra (disassembler) and ElfViewer (inspect executables).

A really huge next step for me was to introduce userspace programs and later on multiprocessing (running multiple userspace programs „in parallel“ with a simple round robin scheduler). After studying basic patterns for this, I chose the hard path to implement it mostly by myself. This is the part which I am most proud of so far, because this required me to derive many inner works from the specs directly and it has cost me a long time to get right. For weeks and months I fought with sporadic stack corruptions and CPU exceptions. As userspace program I implemented a simple Hello World program, which interacted with the kernel via syscalls. Due to lack of a file system, which to date I was for some reasons not eager to implement, this userspace progam is stored inside the os executable and loaded from there – a hack which is actually really cool. Then I added a vga mode which enabled the userspace programs to print colored pixels to the screen (one line for each of the 4 userspace programs):

OK so here we were, but what you gonna do with an operating system which has keyboard input, can run user programs, has vga output? Yes, you are correct – we run Doom on it 🙂

You probably heard of people getting to run Doom on all sorts of awkward devices, engineers made it to run on potato batteries and toothbrushes:

So if they can run it on such devices, there must be a way to run it on JOS, right? And yes, its possible. It required me to write a small C wrapper around PureDOOM, which in turn also made me translate my Rust-based libc to C. After adding some additional syscalls, fighting with the 6 bit color maps, malloc implementation I finally made it. So here we stand today, JOS runs DOOM.

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